Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This month has been really weird. You remember my ex, right? Welp, he not only cheated on me but is now goin out with someone, hitting on one of his other ex's little sisters, and trying to seduce my sister. It's really disgusting. Oh, and he thinks that he owns me still and that he can get back with me when ever he wants. That is seriously annoying.

You know that friend of mine I had weird feelings for? Well, I figured out what they were and now we're going out. I'm still not entirely sure how that happened but ok. I'm happy. ^ ^

Oh, I got to see an ultra-sound of my future niece/nephew (too early to tell). I can't wait until it's born!!

The sad news, my brother was in a car accident this morning. He's not hurt bad but his car has offically died. He was rear ended and smashed into the walls of the freeway. Thankfully he's ok. I wonder how he always ends up with the bad luck.

Ummm, my sister broke up with her boyfriend a week or so ago. I'm angry at him. Now all the people there hate her. Grrr....if I was there they wouldn't be acting this way. Sadly she's happy about it, she likes being alone. But it's still aggravating.

My other sister signed up for a job interview for coldstone. Turned out it was a sining audition. Haha!!! I would have paid money to see her do that...too bad she didn't go. It would have been halirous! Great news though, SHE'S GETTING A CELL PHONE THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, finally!

Welp, I think that's it for now....guess I'll check back in later. See ya!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wow....a fun Monday, whoda thought?

I honestly never thought I'd ever say I had a fun Monday. Ever. But I guess I twas wrong. I had a great day! I got to play wall-ball with my "brother" and my "sister". Lots of fun ^ ^ Cept when they all turned on me and tickled me to death...that was torture. Lol. And my ex seems to want to be friends so I've avoided a war! Woohoo!!! Plus I got my good luck back -> at lunch my ID and bus card fell outta the holder thing and when I went back they weren't there. But when I went into security to see if they had them, there they were. That almost NEVER happens. I was so happy. Now I just gotta find out who turned them in so I can thank them for the rest of my life. ^ ^

Weird part of my day, I have weird feelings for one of my best friends. He's liked me since we met last year. But I never returned his feelings. But this year we've hung out alot more and I've started getting weird feelings around him and I don't know what to do about them.