Monday, February 2, 2009

Wow....a fun Monday, whoda thought?

I honestly never thought I'd ever say I had a fun Monday. Ever. But I guess I twas wrong. I had a great day! I got to play wall-ball with my "brother" and my "sister". Lots of fun ^ ^ Cept when they all turned on me and tickled me to death...that was torture. Lol. And my ex seems to want to be friends so I've avoided a war! Woohoo!!! Plus I got my good luck back -> at lunch my ID and bus card fell outta the holder thing and when I went back they weren't there. But when I went into security to see if they had them, there they were. That almost NEVER happens. I was so happy. Now I just gotta find out who turned them in so I can thank them for the rest of my life. ^ ^

Weird part of my day, I have weird feelings for one of my best friends. He's liked me since we met last year. But I never returned his feelings. But this year we've hung out alot more and I've started getting weird feelings around him and I don't know what to do about them.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fun Monday. ^^

    And as for the friend bit you should probably figure out what the feeling is first.
