Monday, November 17, 2008


Hey guys, what's up? I'm sooooo fricken bored it's rediculous. Doesn't help that I'm a complete baka (idiot) for refusing painkillers cuz I've got a major headach and killer cramps. (Sorry for the guys but it's the sad truth)

Now that's outta my system, I have a question. Does anyone have any suggestions for recurring nightmares? Cuz I've got some and I really want them to go away. I have no clue what brought them on, but they tend to come and go as they please and it's really annoying. So if anyone has an idea on how to get rid of them, please please please let me know!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ok, first off, I'm really sorry I haven't posted for a few days. But I've been busy.....still am actually. I've had 3 major projects due---piece of advice, DON'T PROCRASTINATE!!!!!!, I've been swamped with other homework (anyone want to petition to make that illegal?), and I'm planning for 2 birthdays that are a week apart. And I can say, I'm having a blast with that last one. Of course those people want nothing to do with their birthday's, but that makes it all the more fun. ^ ^ (in other words, they're probably gonna kill me)

Other than all that, there's nothing new. Exciting life isn't it? Hahahaha!!!

ps. 9 DAYS TIL TWILIGHT COMES OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Books into Movies

Ok, how many out there have books they want to see made into movies? I know I do. Cool part is, three of them already are being made into them. (InkHeart, Maximum Ride and Twilight) A few other books I'd like to see in video form are Warriors and Hawksong.

Sadly, there are downfalls to the books being made into movies. 1) The directors tend to cut a lot of stuff out. 2) The actors may not do a wondeful job at their parts. 3) There's a 50-50 chance of the books being killed.

Hopefully that doesn't happen. I hate it when it does. Once people see the movies suck, they never want to read the books or continue the series. (which is very sad, because the books are usually really good)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Grr...I'm sick. Sucks cuz I'm tired and my nose is stuffy so I sound like a duck. No kidding either. Another problem is for some reason I tend to be more impulsive when I'm sick....and I'm very opinionated. And spontanious. So yea....I feel very sorry for anyone who irritates me. And my boyfriend. Oh boy.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I'M ALIVE!!!!! And no hospital visits! Boo-yeah! Haha....yeah. Weelll I had a great time and I even danced with all my friends and my boyfriend. I didn't even know I could dance. Or enjoy doing it. Welp, that's bout it. Just thought I'd let you all know I survived a night of dancing. (in platform shoes!) What was I thinking.....

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Ok, to get this out of the way, I'm sooo not a dance person. But I'm desperate for time to hang out with my friends, and this is the only one my dad would allow. (barely at that) So I took what I could get. Problem: I've never been to something like this before. I've been to dances but not like this one. So I've got absolutely no clue what to do or expect.

It's a semi-formal thing. Hmmm....what does one wear to a semi-formal high school event? No clue. But I'm gonna find out.

Problem #2: I have 0 dancing abilities past the cha cha slide. I'm the clumziest person alive. Seriously. Here's a quote that describes me to a T: "are you referring to the fact that you can't walk across a perfectly flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over?" Yeah, that's me all the way. So um yeah, any dancing I do will result in a trip to the good old ER. Yay...not. My chances of survivng a major high school dance are slim to none. Yet, I'm still going. Hmmm...I really need to look into a reservation for the "fun room" (aka the padded room in a mental asylam) Welp, if I live through tonight, I'll write back in later. Catch ya later.

Happy Halloween ~~part 2~~

Sorry for not posting this last night, but I kinda fell asleep before I could... >.<;; Anyways, my day got way better. I managed to get to school in time to help my friends, and find Nik to give him his brownies. I also got tons of candy through out the day, and all of my classes were lax, so we were allowed to do whatever.

Sadly, no I didn't go trick or treating and no I didn't pass out candy. That was the biggest down fall of the day. T.T But it was still a pretty fun day. I hope all of your plans went over well and you all had a very Happy Halloween! ^ ~