Monday, November 17, 2008


Hey guys, what's up? I'm sooooo fricken bored it's rediculous. Doesn't help that I'm a complete baka (idiot) for refusing painkillers cuz I've got a major headach and killer cramps. (Sorry for the guys but it's the sad truth)

Now that's outta my system, I have a question. Does anyone have any suggestions for recurring nightmares? Cuz I've got some and I really want them to go away. I have no clue what brought them on, but they tend to come and go as they please and it's really annoying. So if anyone has an idea on how to get rid of them, please please please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Well dreamcatchers have a high tendency of working. I keep one above my bed since the only dreams I tend to have are nightmares and since I've put up mine keeps all of mine at bay. But you can also try calming herbal teas before going to bed, especially lavender, it's spiritual qualities protect against nightmares. Those should work. I hope it works for you, recurring nightmares can be killer.
