Saturday, November 1, 2008


Ok, to get this out of the way, I'm sooo not a dance person. But I'm desperate for time to hang out with my friends, and this is the only one my dad would allow. (barely at that) So I took what I could get. Problem: I've never been to something like this before. I've been to dances but not like this one. So I've got absolutely no clue what to do or expect.

It's a semi-formal thing. Hmmm....what does one wear to a semi-formal high school event? No clue. But I'm gonna find out.

Problem #2: I have 0 dancing abilities past the cha cha slide. I'm the clumziest person alive. Seriously. Here's a quote that describes me to a T: "are you referring to the fact that you can't walk across a perfectly flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over?" Yeah, that's me all the way. So um yeah, any dancing I do will result in a trip to the good old ER. Yay...not. My chances of survivng a major high school dance are slim to none. Yet, I'm still going. Hmmm...I really need to look into a reservation for the "fun room" (aka the padded room in a mental asylam) Welp, if I live through tonight, I'll write back in later. Catch ya later.

1 comment:

  1. Semi-formal just means a nice dress or for boys a pair of slacks, dress shirt and tie without a jacket. I had to learn all this socializing junk from my grandmother. :/ She used to try to get me to buy into it too, but I'm too much of a tomboy for all that.

    And I feel you on the whole dancing thing. I go to a school that is under the impression that white girls can't dance worth *censored* so I just don't bother. x.x Not to mention I feel you on the whole clumsiness thing. I walk past desks and have to concentrate on not falling and making my head split open.

    My advice to you: just have fun with your friends and do what you feel comfortable doing.

    I hope you have a great night out.
