Friday, October 31, 2008


Yo, Happy Halloween everyone! This is my all time favorite holiday of the year. And so far I've had a set back in my plans. See my school doesn't start til 9 something this morning. However, I was going to get there at my normal 7:45 time. I was going to get there early to help some of my friends with their costumes, but I don't know if I can now. My step-mom just informed me we weren't leaving the house til 8:30. So now I'm wondering if I can get to school early enough to help with the fine details in my friends costumes. Welp, that's all my news this morning, I'll write back later. Scare ya later.

ps. Oh, remember that Nik guy I mentioned earlier? Yeah, well, I'm officially jealous of him. Today's his birthday!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ok so it's tomorrow, so what? Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. However, I'm not allowed to dress up or go trick-or-treating this year. (no clue why) Like I'm gunna let that get me down. So today I'm going to try to think of other ways to celebrate. And not forget my usual Halloween traditions. Those consist of watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, possibly handing out candy, and doing other random Halloween things. So what is everyone else doing for Halloween?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just another day

Title says it all. It was just another boring, average day. Made ever more so boring because I had to take the practice aims writing test today. My god! why do they torture us so?! I mean, seriously people, the sophmore aims isn't til like April!! Gr, even worse is that if we don't show up to take the practice tests or, for some unfathionable reason, we fail it, we're forced into "aims practice classes" every saturday until the real test. It's pretty annoying. But anyways, I finished the test within the first hour out of three. That's two gruesome hours with basically nothing to do. (welp until my friends finished anyways) Then I got to go to my first and second periods which were turned into 75 minute classes instead of the normal 55 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love my classes, but I can only take so much.

Monday, October 27, 2008


...are some guys so concieted? My uncle Dillon's brother, Nik, is super concieted!!! And I don't get it. I mean he's got all these friends and people who care about him, yet he's such a jerk to them. (granted most of them let it slide...) Plus he talks about himself nonstop...Why can't he see that the way he acts hurts the people who care? Nik just looks the other way. He think he's all high and mighty, but he's really not. And he's just an example of concieted guys. It's really sad.

Know what I think? I think guys like that are scared. They're scared to be nice because they're afraid to get hurt. Afraid to put themselves out there. But you know what? They're wrong. If you put yourself out there, good things can happen. It's worth any pain that may come. So they shouldn't be scared.

(Dillon's not like that though. He's really sweet.)

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I just found out that my friend, Elizabeth, is indirectly related to my best friend!!! Gah, she's sooo lucky!!! I'd kill to actually be part of that family!!! At least I actually know them...


Yesterday was my oldest brother's (indirectly oldest brother) funeral. It was the first real funeral I've been to and it could've been worse. Does anyone know what they do to the corpses? I mean, it didn't even look like him! He looked so a life sized doll. It was horrible seeing him look like that...The upside to yesterday was I got to see my twin again. I haven't seen her in a while. Although I find it funny that she broke the same pinky I did the last time she saw me. But anyways, we ened up hanging out either outside, in the hallway, or the bathroom with her friends Nik and Cody cuz she couldn't handle watching the service. But we managed to turn a sad day to a fun one, so it's all good. =]

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Everyone likes music, right? Right. (unless you're deaf, in which case I have the utmost pity for you) Well, I LOVE music. It is literally my life. I honestly think I'd die if there was for some horribly unimagiable reason no music. Not only do I listen to it non-stop, but I also play it. Well, played anyways. I've played clarinet and the steel drums. I plan on taking clarinet back up as well as learning to play piano and guitar. I haven't much a clue as to how I'm gonna go about that but it will happen. Hopefully.

Now, I like all music as long as 1) it has a good beat, 2) it's not degrading, and 3) you can hear the individual words. So, yeah, um...that's about it for now. Guess I'll be back later, see ya!