Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Everyone likes music, right? Right. (unless you're deaf, in which case I have the utmost pity for you) Well, I LOVE music. It is literally my life. I honestly think I'd die if there was for some horribly unimagiable reason no music. Not only do I listen to it non-stop, but I also play it. Well, played anyways. I've played clarinet and the steel drums. I plan on taking clarinet back up as well as learning to play piano and guitar. I haven't much a clue as to how I'm gonna go about that but it will happen. Hopefully.

Now, I like all music as long as 1) it has a good beat, 2) it's not degrading, and 3) you can hear the individual words. So, yeah, um...that's about it for now. Guess I'll be back later, see ya!

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