Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yesterday was my oldest brother's (indirectly oldest brother) funeral. It was the first real funeral I've been to and it could've been worse. Does anyone know what they do to the corpses? I mean, it didn't even look like him! He looked so a life sized doll. It was horrible seeing him look like that...The upside to yesterday was I got to see my twin again. I haven't seen her in a while. Although I find it funny that she broke the same pinky I did the last time she saw me. But anyways, we ened up hanging out either outside, in the hallway, or the bathroom with her friends Nik and Cody cuz she couldn't handle watching the service. But we managed to turn a sad day to a fun one, so it's all good. =]

1 comment:

  1. They embalm the corpses. They inject some chemicals into the veins (they take out all the blood and put in some sort of special chemical) and skin to make the skin have that kinda weird looking color so the skin doesn't get eaten away quite so quickly. It's actually kinda cool. I have a friend who's family owns one of the local funeral homes and she's told me about some of it before. I know it seems kinda icky but if you ever look into it you'll find out they do some pretty cool stuff.

    I'm sorry to hear that your older brother died though. I hope that everything was painless for him and that he didn't have to suffer. Funerals are sad things but we always have the people in our hearts, right? ^^
